Camera technology is changing close in consort with digital technology. One wonders when photography will change. There are cameras on the market that can take photos up to eight times better quality than the human eye can see in perfect darkness without any light. High-end smartphones are taking over DSLRs and many of them have facilities with an equal quality as normal digital cameras. Solutions to many problems are under development but may not be possible. Some notable advancements in camera technology are mentioned below:
Every now and then technology is released that promises to shorten the hardware’s thickness. For example, the Ultra-Compact has a complete design enabling it to fit in half the thickness of an inch and with the help of new technologies like eliminating all buttons, they are able to thin it down 2½ cm. The camera fits perfectly onto screens and there is no need for redundant details any more. Aside from being extremely light, cameras will also start being come barebones in several ways with new
Shutter Button is likely one of the first to bid farewell in the future. Camera’s in the future may no longer require a shutter button-motion sensors are already in use and can be adopted into cameras. The motion sensor needs to elegantly integrated into or onto glasses, or other equipment where it couldn’t be activated without those means. If the camera were mounted onto and operated from glasses (or something similar), aiming for the picture will be simpler too. Another option is to activate with
New advancements in camera technology, such as Photo Smellography, allow photographers to capture the perfect moment when someone puts on perfume.
The rise of the no-light photography. In the past, the only way to take a successful picture in the dark was to use a High Sensitivity (ISO). However, now with new camera technology being developed by leading manufacturers such as Panasonic and Canon, this is not true anymore. These cameras use revolutionary technology that has so far shown no significant noise at 3 or 4 million ISO! The only issue is they are significantly more expensive while still falling in the category of “entry-level” cameras
Photography has had an amazing rapid growth in recent years. With new technologies being developed and put to use, photographers may be shooting with completely different cameras a decade from now.